Healthcare case study shows another side of 3D printing

It may not be instantly obvious why a healthcare company with specialties in diabetes and hormone replacement therapy would be interested in 3D printing but this has been the case recently for just such a company: which provides an interesting case study on the use of 3D printer services that may differ from the typical … Read more

Makerbot’s Replicator Versus 3D systems’ The Cube

While Makerbot entered the 3D printing market in 2009 with the aim of making 3D printing accessible to everyone; 3D Systems have been around since 1986 serving a very different part of the market, primarily to those wanting rapid prototyping services. Makerbot’s early success obviously attracted the attention of 3D Systems who have now moved … Read more

Is 3D printing set to change manufacturing for ever?

3D printing is already coming to dominate rapid prototyping services, the advantages of using 3D printing being such that those companies using old techniques struggle to compete. The future though is DDM, direct digital manufacturing, and though it will undoubtedly still have its roots in rapid prototyping services these printers will be a step beyond … Read more

Makerbot bring 3D printing home

The name for the latest 3D printer from Makerbot is great: The Replicator; many marketers say a good product should do what it says on the tin, unfortunately though MakertBot’s Replicator doesn’t quite do that, at least not unless you also have a 3D scanner at home. Therein lies the biggest problem with 3D printing … Read more

3D printing industry worth 1 Billion and climbing

It was inevitable that it would happen eventually but it may be a surprise to some that 3D printing is already a Billion dollar industry despite being seen as currently still a niche waiting to break into the mainstream. Though it may be an industry that turns over a Billion dollars a year now 3D … Read more