3D Printing Service Prints Legs to Order

3D printing services are going to be used for all sorts of things, so we are being told, I’m sure this is true but it seems that people are struggling to come up with that many uses for 3D Printing services outside of rapid prototyping and creating a few cool pieces of artwork. There are … Read more

Has 3D printing more potential to create or destroy jobs?

Those working in traditional rapid prototyping services jobs almost certainly think 3D printing is a technology that actually destroys job but it seems that at the same time it is likely to create jobs elsewhere and create whole new businesses as well as empowering freelancers and one person businesses. As for those with skills for … Read more

Rapid Prototyping Companies have a bright future ahead in the 3D Printing Industry

Right off the need for rapid prototyping companies may not be obvious, or you may think that 3D printing services are limited to only a few applications but there are a lot of uses for 3D printing and 3D scanning technology. Believe it or not 3D printing is starting to make in-roads on traditional manufacturing techniques, … Read more

3D systems continue acquisition spree with My Robot Nation

3D Systems seem to have a insatiable appetite for taking over any one with technology they want recently and that has included ZCorp recently in order to get hold of their successful ZPrinter business and the technology the full color printers are based on as well as their customer base: mainly rapid prototyping companies and … Read more

EMS Number One Reseller for Z Scanners and RapidFom in 2011

Engineering & Manufacturing Services, Inc (EMS), has retained its title as the number one reseller of 3D Systems Z Scanner (formally Z Corporation) hand-held 3D Scanners and for 2011 the number one reseller of RapidForm reverse engineering and inspection software. “2011 was a record year for EMS” stated Mark Kemper, President & CEO of EMS, … Read more