Smithsonian museums latest to use 3D printing

History is being lost all of the time, artifacts slowly turning to dust, some have already been studied, others have either never been studied due to being locked away in a museum’s vault somewhere or because they are simply too delicate to examine in detail. Opportunities to understand history better and for more people to … Read more

3D printing Technology: the next in disruptive tech

Disruptive technologies that almost everyone has now heard of include e-readers including Kindles and the digital ink technology used in them that is disrupting book publishing. Digital Music as well as mp3 players have disrupted music publishing and in both cases these technologies have been helped by perhaps the most disruptive technology of all time, … Read more

Report gives mixed messages for rapid prototyping services

The growth in 3D printing of 7{ed34752d3d9237811f2899a265685e36705e4e86722207f201c96dd1cfc4a167} per year reported in Ibisworld’s December 2011 report was of course interesting but what is even more interesting now is to read Ibisworld’s new report into 3D printing and Rapid Prototyping services and seeing just how the rapid prototyping services industry is changing due to the growth of … Read more

3D systems 2011 figures encouraging for industry

All signs from the 3D printing services industry recently have been good with 7{ed34752d3d9237811f2899a265685e36705e4e86722207f201c96dd1cfc4a167} growth in 2011 with higher growth figures predicted for 2012. 3D systems earnings report now shows even more encouraging figures. 3D systems have diversified in 2011 with consumer and enterprise level 3D printers now in their range with multi million pound … Read more

Riva use 3D print solution for ten foot model of development

In Dubai there are many fantastic modern buildings, there is a fantastic fusion of Arabian, Oriental and European architecture often fused together: it is hard therefore to stand out as a new development. To get investment interest and advanced sales you need stakeholders to understand a concept, this is for almost anything not just buildings; … Read more