How 3D Scanning Made a Swimming Robot Possible

You probably know by now that 3D scanning is a robust, interesting technology that makes it possible to reverse engineer all sorts of items from small objects to aircraft! It’s essential now for updating blueprints and manufacturing spare parts. It’s used all the time to make repairs. But what you might not know is that … Read more

M7 Aerospace Uses New Handheld 3D Scanning Tech

If you like to keep up with technological innovation, you’ll definitely be interested in hearing about the newest developments made at M7 Aerospace. This company is utilizing handheld scanning tech that is a real breakthrough for the industry and may even change how data is collected in the future. It’s really tough when an aircraft … Read more

3D Scanning and Museums Go Hand in Hand

3d-scanning-in-museumsMuseums pride themselves on documenting and organizing artwork and artifacts. However, much of this work is done by hand and by snapping photographs. Recently, 3D scanning technology has been utilized to create three-dimensional models of objects in various collections to create permanent copies of their every little detail. This will be fantastic for historians, scientists, archeologists, and others looking to study these artifacts without having to actually go to the museum and view the items in person.

But there’s more to it than that. There’s even speculation that 3D scanning could change how museums work for the long haul. They could effectively scan and reproduce models of some of their most famous exhibits, sell them, and make an income. They’d no longer have to rely on philanthropists to sustain themselves.

This technology is being used currently at the Smithsonian. The Washington, D.C. museum is creating three-dimensional models of areas within the museum as well as objects currently on display. The institute’s 3D Lab recently worked with the curators to scan the entire Dinosaur Hall and many fossils contained within it. This will be used following a 2014 renovation to the Hall so as to restore the layout and display configuration to its exact previous design.

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3D Printing Saved Baby’s Life

3-dprinting-saves-babys-lifeMuch of the time, technologies like 3D printing are used for non-essential reasons like creating plastic toys or models. However, recent news shows that this tech was used to print out an airway splint. This splint saved a three-month old baby’s life. That is pretty essential, don’t you think?

This life-saving procedure combined the best of medical knowledge and technology to create a synthetic part that could be used in a infant boy who couldn’t breathe on his own.

The little boy is named Kaiba Gionfriddo. He’s from Youngstown, Ohio and was born with a condition called tracheobronchomalacia. It’s very rare and only one in 2,200 babies have it. This defect makes it so the airways are so weak that they collapse when trying to breathe or cough.

It was discovered that Kaiba had this condition when his parents were at a restaurant. The little boy just stopped breathing and turned blue. He was saved when CPR was performed but it was quickly found out that he had a chronic condition. Before 3D printing could be used to help him, he was placed on a breathing machine at Akron Children’s Hospital. The boy was given a bleak prognosis.

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