Glimpsing next gen desktop 3D printers

Home 3D printing services are already a reality with the surprisingly affordable Makerbot Replicator and 3D Systems’ The Cube which allow you to print in home, albeit in monotone, in plastic and only up to a certain size. If you’re a hobbyist, amateur designer or run a small enterprise the following are what you may … Read more

3D Printshow 2012 unlikely to be the last

3D printing is great on its own, anything you can imagine if you have the CAD skills you may print, up to a certain size in certain materials that is. With a 3D scanner though 3D printing services becomes even more exciting and in fact much more like a replicator, which sci-fi fans will certainly … Read more

3D Printing Service Could Help Solve Space Supply Problems

Any idea how many parts go into the International Space Station? Well it’s a lot and keeping all but the most vital parts in stock on board is not an option. If something goes wrong on board the International Space Station, which isn’t unknown, then it is a matter of waiting for freight craft to … Read more

3D Printed Bikini is More Than a Gimmick

Nylon is commonly used in clothing and has also become a popular material for 3D printing service as well, where nylon is melted and then hardened with lasers to make solid 3D objects. Now though 3D printing using nylon has been made to make clothes by using a version of nylon that once hardened into … Read more