3D Printing Set to Change the People Lives

Television shows and movies have always amazed people showing depicted scenes where the press of a button or words spoken on a computer produced ready made objects like weapons, cars, etc. With the advancement of the 3D printing technology it seems that such unusual happenings might indeed come true. This technology has helped manufacturers and … Read more

Missing Solders Identified with 3D Printing

At first glance, the use of 3D printers might seem like a luxury or something that’s limited to just architectural models. However, a recent use of these printers has showed them to be invaluable in a variety of ways including in efforts to solve crimes and to identify the bodies of missing persons. In fact, … Read more

3D Scanning Used on Ryder Cup

The Ryder Cup is a long-standing symbol of excellence in golf. It’s used by The Professional Golfers’ Association of Great Britain and has very prominent silhouette. It measures 9 inches across from each handle, stand 17 inches tall, and weighs about 4 pounds. A statue of a golfer is also affixed to the top of … Read more

3D Printing Plays Role in Fort Harrison Hotel Renovation

In 1926, the Fort Harrison Hotel opened in Clearwater, Florida. It has developed quite a reputation over the years but in the 1970s, it was in need of serious renovation. After new owners bought the hotel, it took many years to complete the renovations. In fact, they were only just completed this year. In an … Read more

Affordable 3D Printers For Home Use

The age of 3D printing has finally arrived where you can print almost anything in your home without any hassle. Previously the 3D printers came with a price tag that was unaffordable to anyone except large businesses. However, companies are now coming up with 3D printers that are cheap and affordable even for home use. … Read more