POWER-GEN is the international event where the top power professionals meet and rub shoulders.
The entire power generating industry is represented here with over 200 of the world’s top industry professionals, 50 educational conference sessions, 1,400 plus companies on exhibit, multiple competitive Power College courses and more! No other event in the world is like it with 5 days, 5 events, and lots of networking. This event is scheduled for December 9-11, 2014 at the Orange County Convention Center , West Halls, Orlando, Florida.
You’ll find representatives from the following industries attending,
Power Industry Consultants
Power Plant Designers
Fuel Suppliers
Architects and Engineers
Project Developers
Construction Contractors
IT Specialists
Operations Service Providers
Maintenance Service Providers
Independent Power Producers
Research and Development Organizations
3D Printing and 3D Scanning and tons of more industries.
This year’s event is monumental in that EMS the big power play in 3D scanning and 3D printing technologies is on board to exhibit their groundbreaking work. It is sure to be a show stopper to say the least. Coupling the power industry with the advances of 3D technology is opening up new vistas that will change the world forever.
This event covers every aspect of the power generating industry and more. From renewable energy to nuclear energy, no area is left untouched and participants get to see what is going on with the movers and shakers that keep the power flowing around the world.
With the introduction and application of 3D scanning and printing the sky’s the limit. EMS can scan large to very minute objects and print them in full color from a variety of materials from plastic to metal. Their innovative engineers see and exploit every way possible to enhance the 3D printing technological arena. In regard to power plants and systems, engineers can make demos in just a few hours instead of waiting weeks or months. Repair crews can replace parts in minutes or hours. The possibilities seem to be endless and this year’s POWER-GEN is going to be the place to be to spotlight the 3D printing age.
Image credit: POWER-GEN International